In praise of great Junior Indigenous Fiction, Julie Booker at The 49th Shelf has recently written the following about Blood Brothers in Louisbourg:


“…the book is a suspenseful, inevitable climb toward two lives colliding…A coming-of-age story that gives us a real glimpse into this time in history, (1744), and helps build empathy….” Here’s a link to the full review: Blood Brothers in Louisbourg-49th Shelf

It’s always great to get fresh praise for a timeless book! Here’s an excerpt from Julie Booker’s recent review of Me & Mr. Bell at The 49th Shelf

430378_156194434500596_45369345_nRoy-Bell-Cover“Me & Mr. Bell….is a gem of a book, a tale to inspire any young reader to overcome their weaknesses by finding their strengths….This is an uplifting story about finding our path, how one person seeing and believing in us (plus some tenacity) can turn your life around.”

Here’s a link to the full review:



We are thrilled to announce that River Odyssey, (book 3 in the Submarine Outlaw series), is now available in French as Sous le Saint-Laurent! Here’s a synopsis:

“In this sequel to the prize-winning French language young reader novel, L’île perdue d’Atlantide, Alfred sets off in his submarine up the dark and wilful St. Lawrence River. With Hollie and Seaweed, his dog and seagull crew, Alfred follows the route of Jacques Cartier, nearly five hundred years later, as they sail down the Strait of Belle Isle into the largest river mouth in the world. But the St. Lawrence is a treacherous river, concealing many dangers beneath its surface not least of all the cursed and ghostly Empress of Ireland, a sunken ocean-liner that has claimed the lives of over a thousand people and that reaches up to entangle the sub as they pass. Alfred must sail to Montreal to confront the man who abandoned him at birth––his father. Only then will he escape the unfinished business that haunts him. But is the quest worth the danger? And why is Alfred plagued with bad luck? Is someone, or something, trying to turn him back?”

If you would like to purchase a signed copy of Sous le Saint-Laurent, please contact Leila at, or visit our bookshop at: Other options for ordering Sous le Saint-Laurent include visiting,, Ronsdale Press, and bookstores throughout Canada. Additional options for ordering are listed at the bottom of our “Books” page. 

Here’s an excerpt from the latest glowing review of Halloween Mouse from Helen Kubiw at CanLit for Little Canadians:

[The Happy the Pocket Mouse series has given readers] “a unique friendship as the basis for positive messages about curiosity, adaptation, and sharing….Happy is the bright spot of inquisitiveness and heart, eager to learn and experience new things, but always with John by his side for guidance….Lisa Ferguson….emulates the characters and landscapes of the original books with dexterity and feeling….[John and Happy’s]…touching relationship and honest explorations are portrayed with gentle colours and soft lines, even as related to potentially scary Halloween….Roy’s words and…Ferguson’s art…have given us the sweetness of a chocolate bar and the amusement that comes with dressing up, wrapped up in a special friendship that the very young will appreciate.” To read Ms. Kubiw’s review in its entirety, visit:

In addition, Elizabeth Brown from Canadian Review of Materials had this to say about Halloween Mouse“Children will love this story. The full-page, full-colour illustrations in cartoon format depict the rich colours of fall. Jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, witches, bats, children in costume, all help to explain…Halloween…Teachers/caregivers could use Halloween Mouse to introduce and/or discuss the custom of Halloween to young children, and it could also be used with older children, too, who are new to Canada.” To read Ms. Brown’s review in full, visit:


Announcing the release of the long-awaited, fifth book in the Happy the Pocket Mouse picture book series, Halloween Mouse!

Halloween Mouse, book 5 in the Happy the Pocket Mouse series, is now out! Join John and Happy as John introduces Happy to his very first Halloween! Illustrated by the incredible artist, Lisa Ferguson, this is a delightful “treat” of a book for anyone who loves All Hallows’ Eve, and all the fun that goes along with it! Here’s a detailed synopsis of the story:

Halloween Mouse is the long-awaited fifth book in the Happy the Pocket Mouse picture book series. Gifting fans with this new and delicious “treat” for the eyes, artist Lisa Ferguson’s rich and nuanced illustrations express all the fun and humour of ‘All Hallows’ Eve,’ while giving voice to the fresh perspective of the ever-curious Happy, the pocket mouse, who regards the holiday with wonder. What does Halloween mean to a mouse who has never celebrated it before? Imagine Happy’s fright when the next-door neighbour hangs a ghost on her house. Witness his displeasure at the thought of dressing up and walking door-to-door to beg for treats. (What a nuisance! What are “treats” anyway?) Then, observe the transition in the sweets-loving mouse when he learns that treats mean candy, his very favourite thing. Suddenly, Happy can’t get out the door fast enough! But his best human friend, John, needs a costume, and the only face paint they can find is shoe polish. How can Happy get John ready for trick-or-treating before the other kids take all the candy? And what sort of costume will the little mouse wear? And what happens if you eat too much candy? Join John and Happy for a fun-filled night as John introduces Happy to his very first Halloween.

Here are some sample illustrations from the book:



If you would like to purchase a signed copy of Halloween Mouseplease contact Leila at, or visit our bookshop at: Other options for ordering Halloween Mouse include visiting,, Ronsdale Press, and bookstores throughout Canada.

We just unearthed this Performers Podcast interview, (formerly called “The Inadequate Life”), with Philip and renowned Canadian podcast host, Keith Tomasek. Learn about Philip’s creative inspiration, among other things! Here’s the link:

(The interview originally took place in 2016, but didn’t air until 2018.)


We are delighted to announce that Journey to Atlantis, the second book in the Submarine Outlaw series, has now been published in French as L’île perdue d’Atlantide. If you are unfamiliar with the Submarine Outlaw/Un rebelle en sous-marin series, here’s a synopsis for L’île perdue d’Atlantide:

“In this French-language sequel to the first book in the prize-winning Submarine Outlaw/Un rebelle en sous-marin series, the sea of myth and legend beckons young submariner Alfred Pynsent to go to sea yet again. With his loyal crew of a dog and seagull, Alfred crosses the Atlantic and enters the Mediterranean in search of the fabled Minoan city of Atlantis. Advised by Ziegfried, genius and builder of the sub, to remain careful and scientifically-minded, Alfred must also listen to the words of Sheba, an island enchantress and loving mentor, to trust his premonitions. From a daring rescue of drowning fishermen to a skirmish between Canadian Coast Guard boats and Spanish fishing trawlers, from escaping an exploding WWII sea mine to turning the chase on bumbling pirates, Alfred’s search draws him ever closer to the mythical and mysteriously lost island.”

You can read the first chapter of L’île perdue d’Atlantide by clicking on this link: If you would like to purchase a signed copy of L’île perdue d’Atlantide, please contact Leila at, or visit our bookshop at: Other options for ordering L’île perdue d’Atlantide include visiting,, Ronsdale Press, and bookstores throughout Canada.

We also have more good news! River Odyssey, the sequel to Journey to Atlantis/L’île perdue d’Atlantide, will be translated into French in 2022 as Sous le Saint-Laurent. In addition, The Kingdom of No Worries will be produced as an audio book in 2022. And last but not least, we anticipate the publication of the fifth Happy the Pocket Mouse picture book, Halloween Mouse, which will be illustrated by a new artist, Ms. Lisa Ferguson, in 2021. (We will keep you posted as soon as these titles become available!)

Youpi en vacances, the fourth book in the Youpi, la souris dans ma poche series, is finally out in French! (The picture book’s English counterpart is Mouse Vacation, from the Happy the Pocket Mouse series.) You can order signed copies of Youpi en vacances directly through us by e-mailing Leila at, or by visiting our online bookshop at You can also request copies locally at your favourite bookstore, or order copies via,, and Additional options for ordering, (via publishers and distributors), are listed at the bottom of this page and at the bottom of our “Books” page. 

For more adventures with Happy/Youpi, you can download your free Happy Colouring Book Companion here:
A Happy Colouring Book Companion_ Youpi _ votre compagnon de coloriage (1)

Un ami pour Youpi, the third book in the Youpi, la souris dans ma poche series, is now out in French! (The picture book’s English counterpart is Mouse Pet, from the Happy the Pocket Mouse series.) You can order signed copies of Un ami pour Youpi  directly through us by e-mailing Leila at, or by visiting our online bookshop at can also request copies locally at your favourite bookstore, or order copies via,, and Additional options for ordering, (via publishers and distributors), are listed at the bottom of this page, and at the bottom of our “Books” page. 





We are thrilled to share that Submarine Outlaw, the first book in the Submarine Outlaw series, is now available in French as Un rebelle en sous-marin! You can order signed copies directly through us by e-mailing Leila at or by visiting our online bookshop at, as well as by requesting this title locally at your favourite bookstore or via, and! Additional options for ordering, (via publishers and distributors), are listed at the bottom of this page, and at the bottom of our “Books” page. 





(Most recent to least recent in descending order….)

We are delighted to announce that we now have the first 2 books in the Happy the Pocket Mouse series, (Youpi, la souris dans ma poche), out in French! Here they are: Les contes de Youpi and Youpi et ses bonbons! You can order signed copies of these books directly through us by e-mailing Leila at or visiting our online bookshop at,  as well as by requesting them locally at your favourite bookstore or via,, and! Additional options for ordering, (via publishers and distributors), are listed at the bottom of this page, and at the bottom of our “Books” page. 





The Japanese translation of Me & Mr. Bell was selected in June, 2018 as a “subject book” for its 64th nationwide contest for primary students in the upper division. The contest is organized by the School Library Association in Japan and Mainichi Newspapers. Book reviews were submitted by students in September, and winners will be announced this February, 2019! 🙂





In their “Editor’s Picks” section, Atlantic Books Today called The Kingdom of No Worries one of the “season’s most enticing new releases.” Here’s a link:…/. Chris Benjamin of ABT writes:

“Philip Roy continues creating fiction for young readers that plays on youthful desires for freedom, adventure and independence while exploring the sophisticated responsibilities and challenges of adulthood.”




Alex Mlynek recently reviewed The Kingdom of No Worries in Quill & Quire. Mlynek writes:

“But while veteran children’s book author Philip Roy….covers some big ideas in this middle-grade novel, he doesn’t sacrifice story for pedantry….The Kingdom of No Worries is a fun read, with energetic, witty and engaging dialogue. And there is an impressive interior world as well.”

To read the review in its entirety, visit:




Kirkus Reviews has aptly called Philip’s new Middle-Reader, The Kingdom of No Worries, “a parable for our times.” Here’s a link to the Kirkus review in its entirety:

And here’s an enticing query from the back of the novel: “What if you could create your own country on land nobody else wanted? Who would you let in and who would you keep out? Homeless people? Stray animals? People of different views and religions? Would you take money from big companies? Would you give money to needy causes? What kind of ruler would you be? And the day they came to take it away from you, would you let it go without a fight? Meet Billy, Sami and Charlie. Witness how they create their own kingdom and unfold their global vision in the heart of their city.” To read the first chapter of The Kingdom of No Worries, click on this link:

The Kingdom of No Worries will be available through bookstores,, and by this October. Signed copies of the novel are available now by e-mailing Leila at, or by visiting our online bookshop:

The inimitable literary critic, Helen Kubiw, has given  Stealth of the Ninja, (and the  Submarine Outlaw  series), yet another glowing review! In CanLit for Little Canadians, she writes:

Stealth of the Ninja is the eighth book (!) in the Submarine Outlaw series, and it is as riveting and fresh as any book in the series….Philip Roy always bathes his stories in such distinctive settings that they are virtual characters…(and) creates worlds to which readers can travel in their minds to experience Alfred’s ventures and vicariously face dangers beyond the norm….Alfred himself is a source of hope that there are amazing young people out there who care about this world and, recognizing its problems, see themselves as part of the solution….”

To read Ms. Kubiw’s review in its entirety, please visit:



Mouse Vacation, the fourth book in the Happy the Pocket Mouse series, (illustrated by Andrea Torrey Balsara), has recently been selected for “Best Books for Kids and Teens” by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre! 🙂 Meanwhile, Mouse Tales, the first book in the “HPM” series, is in the process of being translated into French! Mouse Tales, en français, is due out in the spring of 2018. If you’d like to be added to our digital mailing list, please e-mail Leila at






Finally, Stealth of the Ninja, the eighth book in the Submarine Outlaw series, has been released! Here’s a synopsis of the novel:

In Stealth of the Ninja, Alfred pilots his homemade submarine to Japan, where he meets a strange old man who lives on an abandoned freighter. The man––a ninja, in fact––challenges Al to acquire greater physical strength and stealth. But it is also the time of the 2011 tsunami, and the giant wave capsizes and sinks the ship, taking Al’s new teacher with it. Certain that the old man is still alive and trapped inside the sunken ship, Al faces the difficult decision of whether to attempt a most dangerous rescue. Should a seventeen-year-old put his life at great risk to save a one-hundred-year-old man? Or can one sometimes say that the risk is simply too great? Al must decide quickly.

You can order copies now by e-mailing Leila at Our online shop is also an option for signed copies: Other options for ordering Stealth of the Ninja include visiting,, Ronsdale Press, Raincoast Books, Baker & Taylor, Small Press Distribution, and bookstores throughout Canada. (Just ask your local bookstore to order it in if the novel is not already on their shelf.)

We’ll also keep you posted as soon as Philip’s newest Middle Reader, The Kingdom of No Worries, becomes available, (due out this summer—see below and/or check out ourBooks” page for a synopsis!), along with the French translation of Mouse Tales, (spring 2018), and the fifth book in the Happy the Pocket Mouse picture book series, (fall 2018.)

KingdomNoWorries_CatalogueCover_10.35x15inchesAnd now for more fantastic news! Ronsdale Press will be publishing a new Middle Reader by Philip this fall! (We will have advance copies this summer, however! E-mail Leila at if you would like to be added to our digital mailing list!:)) Here’s a synopsis of the novel:

The Kingdom of No Worries is the story of three young friends who aspire to create their own kingdom on a piece of land that emerges in the middle of the river that runs through their city. Inspired by their actions to create a democracy that is a model of social tolerance and global thinking, the surrounding community turns out in the thousands to participate in what becomes a cultural hub of the city. Over the course of one hot summer, the boys grapple to learn what a democracy is, and to oversee its demands. Alas, their nascent sovereignty is challenged by a civic order of eviction, by First Nations land claims, and ultimately by nature itself. Can the utopian dream be saved?  The Kingdom of No Worries is an empowering tale that speaks to the archetypal dream that all children have to create their own world.




Me & Mr. Bell Japanese CoverHere’s something we never expected! Me & Mr. Bell  has now been translated into Japanese! We received beautiful hardcover copies from PHP Publishing just the other day! Click here for a link to their website. (Unfortunately, we won’t be able to read the reviews in Japanese when they are out, but perhaps with the help of a translator, we’ll learn more….and perhaps learning Japanese will be our next bold endeavour, too!) :







mouse-vacation_ronsdaleThe inimitable reviewers, Helen Kubiw, and Karen Upper, respectively, have once again lauded the Happy the Pocket Mouse series! Here’s what they had to say about Mouse Vacation, book 4 in the series:

“By having John and Happy working out what it means to take a vacation and finding a way to compromise, Philip Roy has again produced a charming life lesson in a story book.  And Andrea Torrey Balsara flawlessly brings the story to visual completion….the magic is in the collaboration, between the text and illustration, and between John and Happy. That’s what makes the story, and Philip Roy and Andrea Torrey Balsara have done it again, blending the two into a story of adventure for the mind, the heart and the soul.”—CanLit for Little Canadians

“A great curriculum connection for primary children! Highly Recommended! FIVE STARS!”—Recently Read




mouse-vacation_ronsdaleMouse Vacation, the fourth book in the Happy the Pocket Mouse series, has finally arrived! This is one book you won’t want to miss adding to your collection, (or considering as a gift for the holidays!) You can order signed copies by e-mailing Leila at Our online shop is also an option for signed copies: In addition, you can also order copies via,,, Ronsdale Press, and bookstores throughout Canada. (Just ask your local bookstore to order it in if it’s not already on their shelf, particularly if you are in the U.S.) And then there are countless ways to order the book via distributors, which are all listed at the bottom of our “Happy the Pocket Mouse” and “Books” web pages.

Here’s a synopsis of Mouse Vacation:

“In Mouse Vacation, Happy dreams of where their next adventure will take them. New York? Paris? New Zealand? Perhaps a pilgrimage to the Pyramids or the Taj Mahal? John suggests they compromise. Since vacations are expensive, they plan an overnight bus trip to visit the Tall Ships. Fortunately, Happy is enthralled, and Mouse Vacation reminds us that sometimes life’s greatest pleasures can be found in just the right balance of wonder and simplicity. Andrea Torrey Balsara’s brilliant artistry brings to life the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, the Great Pyramids, and other exotic locales with 32 pages of full-colour illustrations.”

Eden Mills Festival Logo_2016Eden Mills Festival Logo_2_2016Philip will be reading from the Happy the Pocket Mouse picture book series at this year’s Eden Mills Writers’ Festival on Sunday, September 18th. Here’s a link to their website and all the amazing authors who will be reading at the festival:




Mouse Vacation Cover_FinalAnd now for a few fabulous preview illustrations from Mouse Vacation, book 4 in the “Happy the Pocket Mouse” series! Mouse Vacation is due out in late September. You can order advance signed copies through us by e-mailing Leila at, or purchase copies via,, Ronsdale Press, Raincoast Books, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, Small Press Distribution and bookstores throughout Canada. (Just ask your local bookstore to order it in if it’s not already on their shelf.) 🙂 Meanwhile, as we wait for the printers to do their magic, we hope you’ll delight in Andrea Torrey Balsara’s amazing artistry as much as we do….Drumroll please!

Mouse Vacation Pages 2-3_B copyMouse Vacation Pages 10-11_B copyMouse Vacation Pages 16-17_B copy

And now for more great news! Eco Warrior has been nominated for British Columbia’s prestigious 2017 Red Cedar Book Award! The nominees can be found via :







Stealth of the Ninja CoverHere’s a preview for the cover of the eighth volume in the Submarine Outlaw  series! Stealth of the Ninja  is set in Japan. It is scheduled to hit the bookstores in the spring of 2017, but as always, you can pre-order your own signed copy through us by e-mailing Leila at More to follow! 🙂







Mouse Vacation Cover_FinalHere’s a preview of Book 4 in the Happy the Pocket Mouse series: Mouse Vacation! You can pre-order through us now by e-mailing Leila at The fourth installment will be out in the early fall of 2016, and we’ll be sure to keep you posted!  And we can’t thank the extraordinary Andrea Torrey Balsara enough for her amazing ability in capturing Happy and John so perfectly! More to come! 🙂






MOUSE PET final previewCCBC-logoGreat news! Mouse Pet was selected for “Best Books for Kids and Teens” by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre in its Spring 2016 edition. Here’s a link for more information:





MOUSE PET final previewCan Lit LogoOnce again, Helen Kubiw has lauded the Happy the Pocket Mouse  series and Mouse Pet  in CanLit for Little Canadians. Ms. Kubiw writes:

“The dialogue that Philip Roy has created between Happy and John is so endearing and honest that the reader will feel privileged to eavesdrop on their affection and tender conversation….The text is so appealing and yet concise and emotive, and the illustrations by Andrea Torrey Balsara are just as charming. It’s like drinking hot cocoa and eating sweet treats. The anticipation is just as wonderful as the consumption and you’re left with a warm feeling of goodness and sweetness and look forward to another helping soon enough.” To read more, visit this link:

Karyn Huenemann also wrote a glowing review of Mouse Pet in There Will Be Books. Ms. Huenemann writes,

Mouse Pet is the third in a series of picture books published by Ronsdale Press….Roy has nailed the child voice. Happy is inquisitive, thoughtful, and logical in an absurdly childish way. For every brilliant idea that Happy comes up with, John has a legitimate adult rebuttal…. Couple Roy’s cheeky story with Andrea Torrey Balsara’s bright, expressive illustration style, and you have a recipe for success. The illustrations, even more than the text, offer humour and a scope for learning…. Happy’s expression throughout is one of childish joy, or wonder, or puzzlement. Balsara’s drawings bring a liveliness to the already cheerful voices of John and Happy as they sort through the logistics of pet ownership. Happy’s innocent joy is contagious; this one will not get old.” Here’s a link to read more:

And last but not least, Mouse Pet received acclaim in the Calgary Sun’s “Life” section for “Cool Stuff” on November 2nd, 2015. Here’s the link:

Moonbeam Award LogoEcoWarrior_CoverEco Warrior, the seventh book in the Submarine Outlaw series, won the 2015 Moonbeam Silver Medal for for Young Adult Fiction. Click on this link to learn more about the Moonbeam Award:




And now for a few of the latest and greatest illustrations from the long-awaited third book in the Happy the Pocket Mouse  series,  Mouse Pet, (illustrated by Andrea Torrey Balsara.) Mouse Pet  was released in October. (Find out more about our children’s picture book series under the heading, “Happy the Pocket Mouse“!)

MOUSE PET final previewOpening Page Mouse Pet

Mouse Pet Pages 6-7

Mouse Pet pg-8

Mouse Pet Page 9

Mouse Pet pages 10-11

logo-vancouver1Roy-Bell-CoverMe & Mr. Bell made the news in  The Vancouver Sun’s September 23rd, 2015 article, “Raise a Reader: Books to Keep Kids Reading.”

Here’s a quote: “Vancouver Public Library’s reading experts have put together a selection of titles that are sure to get little ones — and not-so-little ones — reading….Families of all ages will enjoy this inspirational and heartwarming award-winning story about the unusual friendship between one of the world’s great inventors and a young boy who cannot learn to read and write.”

To read more, please visit:






Philip read at Word on the Street in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Saturday, September 19th, 2015.  As part of the festivities, Philip also signed his books in the Exhibitor Marketplace, (the Paul O’Reagan Hall), in the Halifax Central Library.








On May 8th and May 13th, 2015, Philip attended the Festival of Trees in London and Toronto for the Silver Birch ceremonies. Thousands of students, teachers, librarians and parents also attended. Congratulations to all of the authors who were honoured by the Forest of Reading, and thanks to all of our fans for your support!


In her Recently Read  blog, Karen Upper wrote the following about Eco Warrior:

EcoWarrior_Cover“This seventh book in Philip Roy’s series adroitly explains environmental activism in a manner that it is comprehensible to readers at any level! Although Alfred’s past voyages are all filled with adventure, new perspectives and understanding, there is a subtle shift in this novel….The uncertain plight of the oceans is stark – but Roy leaves the candle of hope lit within Alfred and the reader! Highly Recommended!

To read Ms. Upper’s review in its entirety, visit this link: After reading Karen’s review,  you’ll also get the chance to watch an outstanding YouTube video about the environment produced by the United Nations––(it’s called “Illuminations: Protecting Our Planet,”)––and you’ll see some fabulous student art in honour of  World Oceans Day, as well!  All of the above are certainly “highly recommended” by us!  Here’s a more direct link to the UN YouTube video:



Jellybean_Mouse-Coverimage001Here’s what Lori Austin from Resource Links ,(Volume 20, number 3), wrote in her review of  Jellybean Mouse :

“Philip Roy has created a sweet friendship between….Happy  and…John. Their conversations are imbued with great kindness and love, as well as delightful humour. [Andrea Torrey] Balsara’s illustrations are soft-hued and perfect for bedtime reading or a classroom read aloud. This is a feel-good story for young readers. Rated: Excellent.”






EcoWarrior_CoverEco Warrior, (the seventh volume in the Submarine Outlaw series), has finally arrived! If you would like to order a signed copy through us, just e-mail Leila at, and let us know who you’d like your copy inscribed for, or visit Otherwise, you can purchase a copy through any bookstore in Canada, or order a copy through,,,, etc. (Please see the preface of our “Books” page, (, for all purchasing options….) Here’s a synopsis of the novel, and you can also read the first chapter through the link provided below:

In the seventh volume of the Submarine Outlaw series, Alfred takes his homemade submarine into the Southern Ocean to thwart the actions of the Japanese whalers. In Australia, he is mistakenly accused of sabotaging an oil tanker, forcing him to escape to Tasmania. There he meets up with Merwin Hughes, an eccentric environmentalist, and together they travel south. They are followed along the way by a friendly blue whale and her calf, and a bond is established. Soon after, they encounter a tanker on its way to illegally refuel the whalers’ ships. When Captain Paul Watson arrives aboard the Sea Shepherd Society’s flagship, the Steve Irwin, to stop the whalers, Al must first try to save the mother and calf even as he helps Watson fight off the whalers. Al learns that the war to save the planet is being waged by dedicated individuals, each contributing in his or her own way, and that every action, large or small, matters greatly.

To read the first chapter of Eco Warrior, please click on this link:

MOUSE PET cover with text JPEG-12015: We just wanted to share the latest preview for the cover of Mouse Pet, (book 3 in the Happy the Pocket Mouse series!) We hope to have copies this September, and we’ll be sure to keep everyone posted! (We can’t thank Andrea Torrey Balsara enough for working SO hard to bring this series to life!)




EcoWarrior_Cover We’ve been getting lots of inquiries about when we’ll have copies of Eco Warrior, (the seventh book in the Submarine Outlaw series), in hand. We anticipate having copies by early April, if not late March, (2015), and it will follow in bookstores. It is also already available for pre-order via, and If you would like to pre-order a signed copy through us, just e-mail Leila at, or visit our online bookshop:, and let us know for whom you’d like your book inscribed. Here’s a synopsis of Eco Warrior:

In the seventh volume of the Submarine Outlaw series, Alfred takes his homemade submarine into the Southern Ocean to thwart the actions of the Japanese whalers. In Australia, he is mistakenly accused of sabotaging an oil tanker, forcing him to escape to Tasmania. There he meets up with Merwin Hughes, an eccentric environmentalist, and together they travel south. They are followed along the way by a friendly blue whale and her calf, and a bond is established. Soon after, they encounter a tanker on its way to illegally refuel the whalers’ ships. When Captain Paul Watson arrives aboard the Sea Shepherd Society’s flagship, the Steve Irwin, to stop the whalers, Al must first try to save the mother and calf even as he helps Watson fight off the whalers. Al learns that the war to save the planet is being waged by dedicated individuals, each contributing in his or her own way, and that every action, large or small, matters greatly.

And now for more praise for our Happy the Pocket Mouse picture book series! In Canadian Review of Materials Magazine, (CM Magazine), Sherry Faller writes:

“This second book in the Happy the Pocket Mouse series, [Jellybean Mouse], is as delightful as the first, and [is] sure to entertain….with its lively banter back and forth between Happy and John. The digital illustrations are colourful and imaginative.”

We are eagerly awaiting Mouse Pet, the third book in the series, due out this fall (2015)! Andrea Torrey Balsara, artist extraordinaire, is busy at work on the illustrations! We’ll be sure to keep everyone posted!





Happy Book 1 front COVER-4


In Volume 20, no. 2 of Resource Links,  Sharon Armstrong wrote the following about  Mouse Tales:

“Well-written, colourfully illustrated, cleverly crafted, this picture book is entertaining as well as a teaching tool for young children and parents.”––Resource Links




Jellybean_Mouse-CoverCan Lit LogoHere’s how Helen Kubiw depicted Happy the Pocket Mouse in her  review of Jellybean Mouse:


” . . . a curious child who asks, wonders, listens, and ponders, and looks for a way to get what he wants without being selfish …Happy is now as firmly entrenched in my heart as he wanted to be in that jellybean machine.”

Check out Ms. Kubiw’s review in Can Lit for Little Canadians by clicking here.



430378_156194434500596_45369345_nRoy-Bell-CoverHere’s a great post on Me & Mr. Bell  from the 49th Shelf ‘s Seeds of a Story: Part Two. In this piece, Philip explains what inspired him to writeMe & Mr. Bell. Click on this link to see what Philip said about the novel:




We forest-imis-homepagesilverbirchRoy-Bell-CoverWe have even more terrific news to share about Me & Mr. Bell! Me & Mr. Bell  was nominated for the Ontario Library Association’s prestigious Silver Birch Fiction Award in the Forest of Reading! The Forest of Reading is Canada’s largest recreational reading program, and consists of eight reading programs designed to cultivate a love of reading for people of all ages. More than 250,000 readers participate annually from their local school or public library, and the Silver Birch program––now celebrating its twentieth anniversary––is meant for readers aged 8 to 12. One out of ten titles are chosen as the final winner in each Forest of Reading category. The winners will be announced at the Toronto Festival of  Trees in May 2015. Here’s a link to more information about the nomination:


Roy-Bell-CoverBilson-Winner-Seal_0.multi+column+formatMore accolades have come our way for Me & Mr. Bell ! Me & Mr. Bell  was nominated by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre for the Geoffrey Bilson Award for Historical Fiction for Young People. For more information about the nomination, visit:




Here’s a preview of the covers for Philip’s newest books, Jellybean Mousethe second volume in the Happy the Pocket Mouse  series, (illustrated by Andrea Torrey Balsara), and Eco Warrior, the seventh book in the Submarine Outlaw  adventure series. Both titles are also available directly through us, and through our online bookshop at You can also pre-order both books through and More information to follow soon!









Jellybean Mouse FINAL_08.14

Here are a few sample illustrations from Jellybean Mouse, the second volume in the Happy the Pocket Mouse picture book series. We feel wonderfully fortunate to have Andrea Torrey Balsara as our illustrator! Thanks, Andrea, for all your hard work!



seasofsouthafrica+framedCanadian Children's Book Centre

The Canadian Children’s Book Centre selected  Seas of South Africa  for their list of  “Best Books for Kids and Teens.”



Roy-Bell-CoverCanadian Children's Book CentreCan Lit Logo



The Canadian Children’s Book Centre selected  Me & Mr. Bell  for their list of  “Best Books for Kids and Teens.” Be sure to also check out Helen Kubiw’s review of Me & Mr. Bell  in CanLit for Little Canadians by clicking on this link. Ms. Kubiw writes:

“For teachers…looking for great historical fiction…I would enthusiastically recommend Me & Mr. Bell. Me & Mr. Bell has it all…Perfect package for everyone!”

Mouse Tales Cover copyIn  Library Services: Pause & Read, Lynn W. writes about Mouse Tales:

“What a gem this picture book is!…Tender, yet comical, [Mouse Tales is a] blend of well-known bedtime stories [and] the cutest illustrations…a truly enjoyable read. A great Canadian picture book to add to the elementary library collection for readers of all ages.”

To read the full review, click on this link.


hackmatack_bannerRoy-Bell-Cover Me & Mr. Bell  was shortlisted for the 2014-2015 Hackmatack Children’s Choice Book Award. For more information about the nomination, visit:






The Canadian Library Association nominated Me & Mr. Bell as one of their top 10 books for 2014. You can read the full announcement about the Book of the Year for Children nomination here: And you can also click on this link for an article from the Cape Breton Post about the nomination.

NASHWAAKCOVER13web_Page_1Roy-Bell-CoverIn Volume 30 of The Nashwaak Review, Trevor Sawler writes that Me & Mr. Bell  is:

“both eminently readable and decidedly memorable.”

To read the review in its entirety, click here.



Seas of South Africa Cover - final Roy-Bell-Coverimage001Resource Links selected Seas of South Africa and Me & Mr. Bell  for their list of  “The Year’s Best 2013.”

Mouse Tales Cover copyCan Lit LogoHelen Kubiw in CanLit for Little Canadians wrote the following about Mouse Tales:

“…brisk, endearing and expressive…the right mix of sweetness and reality…the collaboration between Philip Roy and Andrea Torrey Balsara is marked for great success.”

To read the full review, click here.




Elizabeth Varadan wrote a review of Me & Mr. Bell  for The Children’s Book Review. Here’s an excerpt:


“This is a wonderful read, chockfull of history, math, and science, without ever being dull.”

To read the full review, visit this link.


Mouse Tales Cover copyIn Recently Read, Karen Upper wrote the following about Mouse Tales:

“Skillfully written…a heartfelt story…enhanced by the vibrant, colourful and expressive illustrations of Andrea Torrey Balsara. This story is destined to become a beloved book, begged to be read aloud, over and over again! Highly Recommended!”

To read the review in its entirety, click here.

Blood_Brothers_CoverfinalKaren Upper wrote about Blood Brothers in Louisbourg in her Recently Read  blog:

“Mr. Roy has created a moving historical tale that touches on a part of Canada’s past that is often overlooked — observations from both inhabitants – those ‘discovering’ Canada and from the First Nations. It is an engaging story that can be used as a read aloud as it ties in with the school curriculum and can spark many debates and /or discussions within the classroom.”

For the full review, visit this link. Ms. Upper also created a YouTube trailer for Blood Brothers in Louisbourg, which you can also watch on the Recently Read  website, or view it by clicking on this link.



Mouse Tales Cover copyHere’s an excerpt from Amber Allen’s review of  Mouse Tales  in CM Magazine:

Mouse Tales, the first volume in the “Happy the Pocket Mouse” series, is a very funny book for children. The interaction between John, the human, and Happy, the mouse, comes to life while offering a humourous take on classic fairy tales and the bedtime routine. Andrea Torrey Balsara’s full-page illustrations help to expand and embellish the story by offering clues only hinted at in the text. The colour palette is perfect, using beautiful blues, greens, and purples to represent the time of night. She also conveys myriad emotions on Happy’s face, giving visual cues to the tone of the dialogue. Mouse Tales is a fun read for bedtime.”




Seas of South Africa Cover - finalHere’s what Carolyn Chung wrote about Seas of South Africa in Resource Links:

“Seas of South Africa is an exciting and fast-paced story from beginning to end. With a lively yet straightforward writing style….[and] thrilling action….[it is] a fun and interesting read….a fantastic and educational book in an exciting series that would appeal to a wide range of readers….”



ALA_2From January 24th-28th, 2014, Philip and his publisher, Ronsdale Press, attended the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.




AmysMarathonofBooks-wptop21Check out Amy Mathers’ latest review of Blood Brothers in Louisbourg  from her “Amy’s Marathon of Bookswebsite. As noted on her site, “Amy is looking forward to beginning her reading journey across Canada, and hopes others will share her enthusiasm for funding a teen book award” under the auspices of the Canadian Children’s Book Centre. To donate to the Canadian Children’s Book Centre on behalf of the award, please click here. Here’s an excerpt from Amy’s review:

“Philip Roy’s writing is richly detailed, and it is clear he has done his research on everything from philosophers in the 1700s to Native practices and rituals. Blood Brothers in Louisbourg is a thoughtful, philosophical exploration of the topics of war, personal fulfilment, and finding where you belong….”

Seas of South Africa Cover - finalRead CM Magazine’s  most recent review of Seas of South Africa. Here’s an excerpt from Kim Aippersbach’s review:

“Seas of South Africa is the darkest episode yet…Roy’s descriptions are particularly vivid, and he brings many contrasting faces of Africa to life: beauty and squalor, desolation and human industry, majestic wilderness and treacherous seas. Seas of South Africa could easily be used in a high school Social Studies class….It can be read as a stand-alone, [and the]…series as a whole traces a compelling character arc. Anyone who has been following Alfred around the world won’t want to miss his adventures in Africa. Highly Recommended.”

Mouse Tales Cover copyBEST FRIENDS COME IN ALL SIZES….We are pleased to announce that  Mouse Tales has finally been published, and you can order signed copies of the first book in the Happy the Pocket Mouse  picture book series directly through us, or our online bookshop, (click here). It can also be ordered through Ronsdale Press, Chapters, Indigo, Coles, independent bookstores, library distributors like Whitehots, as well as and Meet John and Happy in this exciting new picture book series written by Philip and illustrated by Andrea Torrey Balsara….When Happy, a rambunctious little pocket mouse with a wild imagination, asks John for a bedtime story, he doesn’t realize he’ll have to face a wicked witch, a big bad wolf, and three scary bears. Now, he’ll do anything to keep John awake until the sun comes up. Sleep tight, Happy! Don’t let the bedbugs bite! Here are a few sample illustrations from Mouse Tales:

Happy page 4 & 5 copyHappy-pg-14-amp-15-copy1-1024x510Happy pg 16(2) copyHappy pg 26(1) copy

seasofsouthafrica+framedRead Helen Kubiw’s review of Seas of South Africa  in CanLit for Little Canadians. Here are some excerpts from the review:


“Philip Roy….lulls the reader into calm with the beauty of his words….[t]hen…plunges you into heart-stopping tension….In Seas of South Africa, Philip Roy goes beyond the adventure story…and the history…[and]….demonstrates with subtlety that perspective can alter and justify interpretations of the same circumstances….”



logo_cbcradioListen to Philip talk about his latest venture with the Page Turner Project and Me &  Mr. Bell  in his October 16, 2013 interview with CBC Radio. Just click on this link.

On Saturday, October 19th, 2013, Philip launched his latest work of historical fiction, Me & Mr. Bell,  at the Alexander Graham Bell Museum in Baddeck, Cape Breton. Details about the event can be found below:


To view past postings about the book launch, please click  here on the Alexander Graham Bell Museum Shop Facebook Page.










Check out Atlantic Books Today‘s review of Me & Mr. Bell. Click here for Lisa Doucet’s review. Here’s an excerpt:


“A lovely look at an earlier time, this book is a success worth celebrating.”


CouvFreresHere’s the cover of Frères de sang à Louisbourg, (Philip’s historical novel, Blood Brothers in Louisbourg),  translated into French by Christian Roy, (no relation to Philip), and published by Les Éditions Perce-Neige. Oui, c’est vrai, Philip’s novel has finally been translated into French! You can order signed copies directly through us, or our online bookshop, (click here). For additional information, visit the Les Éditions Perce-Neige website. editionsperceneige


topper_main-1On Sunday, September 15th, 2013, Philip read from Seas of South Africa, (Book 6 in the Submarine Outlaw  series), at the Eden Mills Writers’ Festival in Eden Mills, Ontario. Click here to view the Eden Mills Writers’ Festival website.



 fncr_logo_2013_10yrsFirst Nation Communities Read, an annual reading program launched by the First Nations public library community in Ontario and the Southern Ontario Library Service, selected Blood Brothers in Louisbourg  for its long list of recommended 2013-2014 titles. The books that are chosen are written and/or illustrated by a First Nation, Métis, or Inuit creator, and also contain First Nation, Métis, or Inuit content. You can see the cover of the book on this beautiful poster:




Read CM Magazine‘s review of Me & Mr. Bell. Here’s an excerpt:

“Me & Mr. Bell would be a great addition to a classroom library and history lesson. Roy has created a fantastic story….The story is inspirational and leaves an impression that will not be soon forgotten….Highly Recommended.”

Seas of South Africa Cover - finalSeas of South Africa
, the sixth volume in the Submarine Outlaw  series, is now available through our online bookshop, as well as through Ronsdale Press, and It is also available at Chapters and independent bookstores. Read a synopsis of the novel below:

In Seas of South Africa, the sixth volume in the best-selling Submarine Outlaw series, it has been over two years since the young explorer first set sail in his own submarine, with his dog and seagull crew. Now, almost seventeen, Alfred is on the cusp of switching from exploring the world to playing an active environmentalist role in protecting the sea that he loves so dearly. Brought into conflict with the pirate scourge that plagues Africa’s eastern shores, Alfred takes action against them, only to bring them into tireless pursuit of him. Escaping overland to Johannesburg, with a reckless young inventor from Soweto, Alfred discovers that the violence which taints the shores of the continent is deeply embedded in the life of South African society, so recently freed from apartheid. Despairing at the cruelty inflicted upon his friend, Alfred learns that the antidote to violence is not more violence, but the strength of one’s heart and an indomitable determination to improve the world, as exemplified in the life of Nelson Mandela. Armed with new inspiration, Alfred is ready to become the eco-warrior he was destined to be.

To read the first chapter of Seas of South Africa, please click on this link: /docs/seas_of_south_africa_book_6_chapter.

logo_cbcradiologo-1Philip, Cape Breton University Press and CBC Radio were involved in the Page Turner Project once again! On October 24th, 2013, Philip offered another workshop with students in grades 7, 8 and 9 in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. For more information, click on this link. On October 25th, 2013, Philip also shared a keynote speech entitled “The Adultification of Young Adult Fiction” with the Nova Scotia Association of Library Technicians at Baddeck Academy, in Cape Breton.



Philip’s second historical novel, Me & Mr. Bell, has recently been published by Cape Breton University Press. It is now available in bookstores, and is also available through Cape Breton University Press,,, and Philip’s online bookshop, Read a synopsis of the novel below:

Alexander Graham Bell, Baddeck’s most illustrious resident, and one of the world’s greatest inventors, is also famous for the greatness of his compassion. It’s 1908, and ten-year-old Eddie MacDonald shares the friendly inventor’s passion for solving problems and for taking long walks in the fields above Bras d’Or Lake.

7445451750_18e847e77eRead Kim Aippersbach’s most recent review of Submarine Outlaw. Click here to read the review. Here’s an excerpt:


“A coming of age story set in a submarine. Too awesome. Good for boys, good for middle-grade and above, good for everyone who likes adventures.”




Blood_BrotherslogoSee the most recent review of Blood Brothers in Louisbourg  inThe Children’s Book Review. Click here to read the review. Here’s an excerpt:


“….[an] amazing tale….a moving story that rings true and that resonates long after you put down the book….”



hackheaderPhilip attended the Hackmatack Awards Ceremony at Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Friday, May 10th, 2013. Ghosts of the Pacific, book 4 in the Submarine Outlaw series, was nominated for the 2013 Hackmatack Award.

Canadian Teacher Magazine CoverRead Canadian Teacher Magazine’s latest review of Ghosts of the Pacific. Click here to read the review. Here’s an excerpt:


“[Ghosts of the Pacific] will capture the heart of any explorer, environmentalist, adventurer or history buff. A must for any classroom library, and a real treat for the avid readers in your school!”






logo-1Philip participated in the Frye Festival, Atlantic Canada’s largest literary venue, from April 22nd-28th, 2013, in Greater Moncton, New Brunswick. In addition to reading at the KidsFest on Saturday, April 27th, he visited schools throughout the area. Click on this link to read the program schedule.





Click on this link to view Philip’s recent video interviews with Cape Breton University Press.

Or find various video links below, as provided by CBUP:

On the background for his characters:

Learn about Philip’s other creative talents:

On interpreting history in a fun way:

On the talents of the young writers he meets in his writing workshops:

On a possible sequel:

On writing “beyond the storyline:”

Philip reads from Blood Brothers in Louisbourg:


If you would like to read the first chapter of the first seven books in the Submarine Outlaw series, or the first chapter of either Blood Brothers in Louisbourg or Me & Mr. Bell, there are now links under our “Books” page to do so. (Links for new titles will also be updated on our “Books” page, including French translations.) A few links are also posted  here:

Sub OutlawSubmarine Outlaw (Book 1, Chapter One):




Journey cover finalJourney to Atlantis (Book 2, Chapter One):




River OdysseyRiver Odyssey (Book 3, Chapter One):




Ghost_Pacific_CoverGhosts of the Pacific  (Book 4, Chapter One):




Outlaw in IndiaOutlaw in India  (Book 5, Chapter One):




Seas of South Africa Cover - finalSeas of South Africa  (Book 6, Chapter One):




EcoWarrior_CoverEco Warrior  (Book 7, Chapter One):





Blood_BrothersBlood Brothers in Louisbourg (Chapter One):





Roy-Bell-CoverMe & Mr. Bell (Chapter One):




Philip posted photos of his trip to India on our “Research” page. Here’s one example. Be sure to take a look!

"Beautiful Old Kochi"

logoPlease be sure to see Cape Breton University Press’ posting about The Page Turner Project: “Philip Roy Encourages Young Writers.


On January 31st, 2013, Philip was scheduled to join Publishers Group Canada at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference in Toronto, Ontario.

logo2From January 25th-29th, 2013, Philip and his publisher, Ronsdale Press, attended the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting in Seattle, Washington.



logo_cbcradioThe “second page” was turned on The Page Turner Project! On January 17th and 18th, 2013, Philip met with 50 students from Cape Breton at Malcolm Munroe Memorial Junior High School for a workshop in which 5 students were selected to read their work on CBC Radio! Philip was excited to see so much talent and dedication amongst so many students!

logoPhilip visited with an audience of 535 students at the Tamarac Education Centre in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, on January 10th, 2013. Here’s an article about his visit from The Reporter.


pageHeaderTitleImage_en_USRead the latest review of Outlaw in India in The Deakin Review of Children’s Literature.

Here’s an excerpt from the review:

“….[T]houghtful and philosophical…. a Humanities curriculum would be well served to add…[Outlaw in India]…to a list of recommended reads in multicultural literature….”

Philip has opened an online bookstore through If you would like signed copies of Philip’s books, (or you would simply like to order books directly through Philip), please e-mail his publicist, Leila, at, or visit You can also purchase copies of Philip’s books via his publishers, Ronsdale Press and Nimbus Publishing Raincoast Books, LitDistCo., Whitehots, ,, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, Small Press Distribution (SPD), The Submarine Force Museum, The Fortress of Louisbourg, The Alexander Graham Bell Museum National Historic Site, and The Bell Homestead National Historic Site, or visit fine independent bookstores like Woozles, Tattletales, Carrefour Atlantic and The Puffin Gallery, Westminster Books, The Village Bookshop, and Bryan Prince Bookseller. Philip’s books can also be purchased through,,,, Chapters/Indigo, Coles, The Book, and All of Philip’s books are printed in Canada on responsibly-sourced paper.

logo_cbcradioListen to Philip’s November 13, 2012 interview with CBC Radio and learn about  The Page Turner Project with CBU Press. Click here to listen to the interview.

cmtopRead the review of Blood Brothers in Louisbourg from CM Magazine. Here’s an excerpt from the review:

“Evocative detail, lyrical language and good pacing make this novel a winner. 4 out of 4 stars. Highly recommended.”

logo-2Be sure to read the review of Blood Brothers in Louisbourg in Keen Readers.

Here’s an excerpt from the review:

“This is exceptional historical fiction. The writing is intricate and beautifully-crafted. The author delves deeply into the time period, making it come to life for readers. The characters are well-developed, and the book can be understood on many levels. It leaves the reader with much to think about….”

cmtopCheck out CM Magazine’s review of Outlaw in India. Here’s an excerpt from the review:

Outlaw in Indiais a stand-alone novel that can be enjoyed without reading the others….The plot is full of incident and excitement…This fifth volume is the best Submarine Outlaw book yet. It’s a fast-paced, fun read with interesting themes that will appeal to anyone who likes travel and adventure. Highly Recommended.”

Read Philip’s interview with Cape Breton University Press. Here are a few excerpts from the interview:

Why did you choose to set a novel in Louisbourg?

I first visited the site of the fortress as a child, and often afterwards, and many times as an adult. I watched the remarkable transformation the reconstruction created. It always seemed incredibly special to me, like a kind of miracle even. The fortress of Louisbourg has always sat in a special corner of my imagination. Any opportunity to set a novel there was irresistible to me….

Are you hoping to accomplish something by writing historical fiction? What are you hoping young people will take away from your novel?

Oh, yes! I love history immensely, and want to share the richness of it with young readers. If I can inspire any young readers in any way, I will feel incredibly gratified. Of course, I remember having been influenced by and swept away by the magic of tales of the past, as if the past were a magical world that exists at the same time as us, but somewhere else, which maybe it does.

What I hope young people will take away from this novel is a discussion of pacifism in their own minds, and perhaps also an understanding of the causes and purposes and results of war. Also an increased awareness of the people who came before us, who lived where we lived, and died where we will die. Becoming more aware that we are a kind of link in a chain, historically speaking, is good for us, I think. I believe we know ourselves more deeply this way. I also hope they will come to enjoy reading more. And should any young reader venture to listen to Bach because they read my book, I’ll be thrilled….

LITLIVE+LOGO4+copyOn Sunday, October 7th, 2012, Philip read from his fourth book in the Submarine Outlaw series, Ghosts of the Pacific, at the LitLive Reading Series. LitLive took place at the Skydragon Centre, 27 King William Street, in Hamilton, Ontario.


PictureFrom Wednesday, October 3rd through Friday, October 5th, 2012, Philip attended the New England Independent Booksellers Association Fall Conference at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, Rhode Island.


Throughout September 2012, Philip signed books at the following locations in Nova Scotia:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012: 1-3 pm– Indigo Spirit–Sunnyside Mall, Bedford

Saturday, September 22, 2012: 12-1:30 pm– Coles–Highland Square Mall, New Glasgow

Saturday, September 22, 2012: 3-4:30 pm– Coles–Antigonish Mall

Saturday, September 29, 2012: 12-1:30 pm– Coles–Truro Mall

Saturday, September 29, 2012: 3:30-5 pm– Coles–Amherst Mall

418370_486937451334836_1377372890_aOn Sunday, September 23, 2012, Philip read and signed books at Word on the Street in Halifax, Nova Scotia.





ABT-Fall12-70_3IC.inddCheck out the Fall 2012 edition of Atlantic Books Today  for a full review of  Blood Brothers in Louisbourg. Here’s an excerpt:

“Young readers are treated to a thoughtful, artfully-rendered account of this time in Nova Scotia’s history….We see a more balanced and clear-eyed depiction of events and motivations than textbooks are apt to provide. These two young men are engaging and sympathetic characters whose stories are beautifully told….Roy has created a rich and vivid historical drama that readers will undoubtedly enjoy becoming invested in….It is a noteworthy young adult offering that brings our history to life in a way that will capture the imaginations of its readers, and invite discussion and further interest.”


Read this review of Outlaw in India  from CanLit for Little Canadians. Here’s an excerpt:

“[P]erhaps the most imposing character in Outlaw in India is not a character at all.  It is India.  The country, as Alfred experiences it, is a living entity, a complicated being of the expected, (e.g., the heat and amazing foods), and the surprising (e.g., discrimination and kindness)….Though the series could easily be promoted as a great adventure series for boys, the Submarine Outlaw books will continue to garner fans of both genders for its great characters and adventure with a frisson of the impossible and the hope for everything working out well (a.k.a. the happy ending). Readers will continue to find all that here in Outlaw in India, fresh and engrossing, just as each new book in the series has offered.  With Africa set to be the location of the next book in the series, there is even more to anticipate….”

Check out this WGO Magazine  review of Blood Brothers in Louisbourg. Here’s an excerpt from the review:

“Philip Roy’s young adult novel, Blood Brothers in Louisbourg (Cape Breton University Press), is a swiftly told, exciting, informative read that will also appeal to older readers….Roy writes economically but with sensitivity and a strong visual sense….[He] has a firm grasp of the history and culture of his setting but, as related by his brace of protagonists, the novel has an immediacy and freshness that never threatens to bog down his story….Roy’s novel is remarkably entertaining for any reader, and…would make a great read….”




Be sure to take a look at this KeenReaders Interview with Philip:

Q. How keen a reader were you as a child?

A. I was intensely keen for short bursts of reading, but very unlike the kids who read so voluminously. I didn’t read voluminously, but read with the kind of intensity one has when one discovers a secret cave inside a mountain. Sports and a deep love for the woods and outdoors kept me pretty occupied. I did, however, take a volume from the encyclopedia to bed with me every night, and would often fall asleep in the middle of a page.

Q. What were your favourite reads as a child?

A. It is easy to say: The Box Car Children. It really swept me away. So did a trilogy of books on archaeology my mother bought me one year. They were about ancient Egypt, the Vikings, and cave men. The lines between fiction and non-fiction were quite blurry to me as a kid. Once again, the World Book Encyclopedia came to bed with me every night. To this day, I still must resist starting sentences with, “Did you know that . . . ?”



For parents and students who would like to pre-order signed copies of Philip’s books, (and have them delivered on the day of the visit), please contact Philip’s publicist, Leila Merl, at, (and see steps 1-3 below.) Pre-orders need to be made a few days prior to Philip’s presentation so that books can be properly organized and inscribed beforehand. Digital pre-order forms for books are made available to educators to share with students, (so please ask Leila, or the educators in charge of the visit, for a form if you have not received one.)Please note: All books ordered after a visit do cost more due to shipping fees. When requesting books, please include: 1.) Your child’s full name, grade, and school 2.) Who you would like the book autographed for––(i.e. first name only (?), first name with last name(?), other name(s) (?), etc.) 3.) The title(s) of the book(s) requested. All books can be paid for by an e-transfer to* If you have additional questions about pre-ordering, please e-mail Leila at*(N.B. If you need to pay by cheque, VISA/MC or cash, just ask!) 🙂


For individuals, schools,* and public libraries seeking signed copies of Philip’s books, e-mail Leila at, and we will gladly fulfill your order ASAP. You can also call us at 613-499-9485. (Please keep in mind that we use Canada Post, and must charge extra for shipping.) We can provide options for payment via email or over the phone.

*Please note: We strongly encourage schools to purchase Philip’s books for their school libraries and/or classrooms well in advance of a visit. Indeed, advance preparation and exposure to Philip’s books always makes a huge difference. 


Many of Philip’s books can also be purchased through,,,,, The Book, and A majority of Philip’s books are available via his publishers, Ronsdale PressNimbus PublishingLes Éditions Perce-Neige, as well as through Raincoast Books/PGC, Library Bound (LBI), United Library Services (ULS), Whitehots, Tinlids, LitDistCo.,, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, and SPD. You can also find Philip’s books at fine independent bookstores like Woozles, Tattletales, Carrefour Atlantic and The Puffin Gallery, Westminster Books, The Village Bookshop and the Wellfleet Booksmith at the Wellfleet Marketplace. (Our books can also be ordered in at your local bookstore if they are not already on the shelves.) If you are looking for museums that carry Philip’s Happy the Pocket Mouse series, please be sure to visit The Antique Boat Museum. All of  Philip’s books are printed in Canada on responsibly-sourced paper. 

Please e-mail Leila at if you’d like to be added to our digital mailing list. (We’ll contact you whenever new titles are out!)