If you would like to schedule a presentation with Philip, please e-mail Leila Merl at LEILAMERL28@gmail.com, or call 613-499-9485.
About Philip’s Presentations
Philip’s highly energetic presentations for young people include readings, discussion, folk art displays, and Q and A. Encouraging children to think outside the box, Philip brings along 2 folk art submarines and a helicopter made from repurposed materials. The larger submarine is 6-feet long and is crafted out of 50 pairs of wooden crutches, 13 bicycle wheels, 2 canoe paddles, 600 bolts, and an old boat propeller. (Philip explains, “It’s really a piece of folk art—an ‘artistic expression’ of a submarine—and is a terrific example of recycling old stuff into art.”) The second, smaller submarine has a periscope made out of a meat-grinder!
Philip’s presentations include this very tactile display, discussion of multi-cultural and environmental issues, and the writing process–specifically character development, and how to access one’s imagination and put ideas down on paper. Philip engages students in discussions about people and issues around the world, (with a global perspective.) Philip also discusses how a writer takes a wide array of elements and weaves them into a fictional narrative.
Traditionally, Philip works with grades SK through 6, (with the option of focused 7 & 8 sessions upon request), and can tailor his presentations to any audience. Philip has no maximum audience size, and has extensive experience working with larger groups. Philip’s sessions for the upper grades, (i.e. grades 4-6, and occasionally 3-6––as well as grades 7 & 8 upon request––are 60-75 minutes long.* Philip also offers two 40 minute back-to-back sessions with grades SK-2, or grades SK-3, (in lieu of a traditional 60-75 minute session), and the focus in these shorter, paired presentations is on the Happy the Pocket Mouse picture book series, as well as friendship, folk art, recycling, and creativity. Philip also offers grades 1-4 presentations for French Immersion schools featuring his picture books Les contes de Youpi, Youpi et ses bonbons, Un ami pour Youpi and Youpi en vacances. These books are read in French, but discussion is primarily done in English. A minimum of 2 full sessions at a school is required. If you are looking to schedule just one full session, (or 1.5 sessions), a pairing with another nearby school is mandatory.
*Please note: The length of a session for the upper grades––ranging from 60-75 minutes––generally depends upon a school’s bell schedule and the preference of the educator who is scheduling the sessions.
$300.00 per session plus HST and a travel time fee.* No maximum group size for presentations. Philip’s grades 4 and up sessions––(and occasionally 3 and up)––are traditionally 60-75 minutes long, depending upon a school’s schedule. When scheduling sessions for grades SK-2, or grades SK-3, two 40-minute sessions are generally required, and should be scheduled back-to-back. (N.B. Two 40-minute grades SK-2 or grades SK-3 presentations, e.g. a grade SK session alongside a grade 1 & 2 session, for instance, are billed as a single session.) There is also the option of scheduling a pro-rated 40-minute session for grades SK-2, or grades SK-3, as long as it accompanies the equivalent of 2 full sessions. *(Please note: Travel time fees are based on a formula of distance travelled, at 20 cents per km. round trip from Brockville, Ontario). As aforementioned, a minimum of 2 full sessions is required. If you are looking to schedule just one full session (or 1.5 sessions), it is essential that the visit is paired with a session at another nearby school. Whenever sessions are paired with other schools, travel fees are also shared. To schedule a visit, please contact Leila Merl at LEILAMERL28@gmail.com, or call 613-499-9485.
We strongly encourage schools to purchase Philip’s books for their school libraries and/or classrooms well in advance of a visit. Advance preparation and exposure to Philip’s books always makes a huge difference. For parents and students who would like to pre-order signed copies of Philip’s books, (and have them delivered on the day of the visit), please contact Philip’s publicist, Leila Merl, at LEILAMERL28@gmail.com, (and see steps 1-3 below.) Pre-orders need to be made a few days prior to Philip’s presentation so that books can be properly organized and inscribed beforehand. Digital pre-order forms for books are made available to educators to share with students, (so please ask Leila, or the educators in charge of the visit, for a digital form if you have not received one.) Post-visit book order requests can also be made to Leila, but the books will cost considerably more due to shipping fees. When requesting books, please include: 1.) Your child’s full name, grade, teacher’s name, and school 2.) The name(s) of the individual(s) that you would like the book(s) inscribed for––(i.e. first name only (?), first name with last name(?), other name(s) (?), etc.) 3.) The title(s) of the book(s) requested. All books can be paid for by an e-transfer to LEILAMERL28@gmail.com.* If you have additional questions about pre-ordering, please e-mail Leila at LEILAMERL28@gmail.com. *(N.B. If you need to pay by cheque, VISA/MC or cash, just ask!) 🙂
60 Comments About Philip’s Presentations
from Teachers, Librarians and School Administrators Throughout Canada
“Teachers and students all so enjoyed Philip’s visit. His ability to capture the interests and attention of students in JK-6 is amazing. He inspires a joy of reading, writing and exploring in all of us….Thank you for your work in making Philip’s visit such a success.” -Warren Park Jr. Public School, TDSB, Toronto, ON
“Philip is a true teacher because he has the gift to inspire. He was able to touch everyone through his multi-talented approach, and I heard nothing but praise and positive comments about him. One teacher told me that he has inspired her to write. We are grateful to have had the opportunity for a visit!” –Millen Woods Public School, WRDSB, Waterloo, ON
“What a wonderful presentation Philip does…the staff and students were completely captivated by his presentation. He kept all of [our] students enthralled for a full hour and half, which is not an easy task to do. Thank you again for helping to put this wonderful visit together. Hopefully we will be able to coordinate something again in the future!” –St. Elizabeth Catholic School, WCDSB, Cambridge, ON
“Everyone so enjoyed Philip’s presentation; his books are flying off the shelves. I have had several teachers comment on his wonderful presentation, which we will never forget. It was such an intriguing thing for our students to see Philip’s folk art standing before us, and a thrill to get a sneak peak from future Happy the Pocket Mouse tales. We will be looking for the one that comes next!” –Brookmede Public School, Peel District School Board, Mississauga, ON
“We have just finished up a terrific day with Philip….Our students were so receptive to all three of his presentations, and it was reflected in their attentiveness and good questions. Both staff and students appreciated the inspiration he provided for both reading and writing. It was important for us to hear of his research and journeys, and how his ideas have been developed from real life experiences. Thank you so much for a wonderful day, and all the terrific books you have put in the hands of our students. This afternoon, when grade 5 was in the library, all the Philip Roy books still waiting to be borrowed found students, and have gone home for a good read. That’s the way it should be. I plan to send a message out to our York Region librarians to promote Philip’s books and his excellent presentations.” –Trillium Woods Public School, YRDSB, Richmond Hill, ON
“What a WONDERFUL presentation by Philip this afternoon. We are so glad that he came to our school! Thanks for helping get this set up for us.” -Jackman Avenue Jr. PS, TDSB, Toronto, ON
“Philip’s presentations were truly entertaining and educational. His passion for writing, reading, the environment, the world, and the people in it, is truly contagious…It has been a true pleasure to work with you and Philip. Thank you very much.” –W.J. Baird Public School, LKDSB, Blenheim, ON
“We truly enjoyed Philip’s fantastic presentation. We could have talked to him all day as his stories and anecdotes were so incredible!” –Sheridan Public School, HDSB, Oakville, ON
“Philip was an absolute hit! With all ages! (And staff.) What a fantastic storyteller! Each presentation was pitch perfect for the grade level. Count me as a new fan of Mouse Tales!…Thanks to Philip for writing such great books!!!!” –Hillcrest Community School, TDSB, Toronto, ON
“Thank you for an engaging day of storytelling and adventure sharing. You created a relaxed, supportive atmosphere where the students were engrossed and their writing appetites were whetted. Thank you!” –Glen Cedar Public School, YRDSB, Newmarket, ON
“We, at both schools, all appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed Philip’s engaging and entertaining presentations. It was a pleasure having such a talented author present his work in such a creative and enthusiastic manner.” –St. Gabriel the Archangel CES & St. Clement CES, YCDSB, Woodbridge, ON
“[We] all loved listening to Philip relate his experiences and tell his stories. You should have seen how mesmerized some students were. One of the grade 5 teachers told me that a struggling reader she has in her class has enjoyed reading Philip’s chapters online, and was one of those who students who listened so intently. That student has finally found something to read that interests him…. [As you know,] my class created a] book of pictures and letters….for Philip….They were so excited to see him, talk with him, and give him the book. I’ll [also] send you a picture…that I took of Philip with my class….The illustrations behind the group are the kids’ drawings, their visualizations of Submarine Outlaw. [Although] we didn’t know about Philip’s visit until a week before he came, we spent most of 3 days reading the stories, writing letters, typing, and drawing pictures. Before Philip visited, the kids were immersed in the world of Al and the junkyard for several days. They thoroughly enjoyed Happy and John and the Submarine Outlaw books. [Now] some of the students fight over the novels during reading time. The students were very excited about Philip’s submarine and helicopter, and his readings. They don’t stop talking about the visit. We [also] love[d] the inscribed copies of the [Happy the Pocket] Mouse stories….! Thanks so much for them. They look even better in hardcover! Is it just me, or does John look like Philip? Thanks again!” –Dallington Public School, TDSB, Toronto, ON
“We had such a wonderful experience yesterday with Philip Roy at West Gate. The students were so engaged for 1 hour, which is incredible. The folk art, storytelling and genuine inquiries from our students made for a terrific morning.” –West Gate PS, GECDSB, Windsor, ON
“We all truly enjoyed Philip’s presentation and many of our students were in awe of his up-cycled creations. I would recommend Philip to anyone, and I’m sure many of our students would love to hear more of his stories, so I will be placing an order in the next week, too. I was telling Philip that the greatest compliment came from one of our grade 3 students who generally doesn’t sit still through anything, and who rarely participates in discussions or activities….He came up to me after the presentation and said, “I’m glad that I didn’t go camping like my mom and dad wanted me to – I would have missed this today.” He also raised his hand and asked Philip a question during the presentation, [which is] very rare for this child.” –Rockwood Centennial Public School, UGDSB, Rockwood, ON
“All the students at Holy Angels School thoroughly enjoyed Philip’s visit. His use of folk art, storytelling and stories based on his personal experiences and travels were enlightening and entertaining. His love of learning and writing were clearly evident in his interactions with the students. Over 200 students from grades 3 to 8 were mesmerized as he read chapters from his novels. Thank you for your inspiration and for sharing your passion for writing with us.” –Holy Angels School, TCDSB, Toronto, ON
“Philip is an amazing presenter! The kids loved his visit, and I’m sure part of the reason that they were so well-behaved has to do with how engaging he is….His books will now be flying off of our shelves! I will let my colleagues know how fabulous Philip is, too! Thank you for all of your help in organizing this event.” –Paul A. Fisher Public School, HDSB, Burlington, ON
“Just wanted to say what a wonderful presentation we had today! The students really enjoyed meeting Philip, and they loved the presentation. I have passed on your contact details to my daughter’s school, and I have a meeting with a group of librarians in the next couple of weeks; I plan on mentioning Philip there as well. I will add you to my contact list for future years. Thanks for all of your help in organizing today! We would love to have Philip back in the future!” –Jesse Ketchum Jr. & Sr. Public School, TDSB, Toronto, ON
“We had a wonderful presentation! The children, even the Grade 2s, were enthralled! Thank you very much for a well-organized and informative presentation. We loved having Philip here to present and the children were in awe over the structures and thrilled to hear the books read by Philip and then find them in the library!” –Westmount Public School, TDSB, Etobicoke, ON
“The kids and staff loved meeting you. I had many positive compliments from the staff on selecting you as our guest author. All of the books we purchased were processed the next day and all of them have been checked out since. I am running a book fair this week and the first thing the kids asked was, “Are there any books by Philip Roy?” and they were very disappointed that Scholastic did not have your books. The younger ones also really enjoyed Happy the Pocket Mouse and have made references to him on several occasions.” –St. Charles Elementary School, LDCSB, Glencoe, ON
“We had a wonderful day––I spoke to students from every division after Philip left and they unanimously enjoyed listening to Philip’s stories! I have put all our copies of every ‘Philip Roy’ book we have out on display, and I am sure they will all be checked out for March Break! Thanks for being so organized and keeping us so well-informed!” –Clara Brenton Public School, TVDSB, London, ON
“I know the students were very excited to meet you, and my goal of stimulating the boys to read was successful. They are still coming into the library today and asking me to borrow “Philip Roy” books, and some are asking to buy your books. So, I think you did motivate more of them after your presentation, too! Philip, you have such a nice, calm and engaging manner about you, and the teachers told me how much they enjoyed listening to you. I will certainly be contacting you again, especially since so many enjoyed listening to your new ‘tail’ of John, (pun intended)!…I hope you contact me and let me know when your next book(s) come available, and I will certainly share them with the staff and students….I will also recommend and share your presentation with my other fellow teacher-librarians, and hopefully some will contact you for future visits.”–St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic Elementary School, DPCDSB, Mississauga, ON
“Staff and students alike thoroughly enjoyed Philip’s presentations. Once again, thank you for visiting and giving us a sense of what it’s like to be a real-life author, storyteller, and folk artist!” –Inglewood Heights Jr. PS, TDSB, Scarborough, ON
“Yesterday was great. Philip mesmerized the kids with his adventures, tales and excerpts from his stories. I appreciate his ability to think on the fly.”–Summitview PS, YRDSB, Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON
“We thoroughly enjoyed Philip’s presentation. You can tell how much he enjoys the students; he’s very natural with them. I’m always looking for an author who will present to the kindergarteners, and might even want Philip to come back and present to the K-2s this year….I’ve also been told by various students that I now have to order the whole Submarine Outlaw series, (a good reflection on Philip’s presentation!) I think I’m a little jealous; I want to write books about faraway places and then have to travel there for research, but I’m not sure I’d collect the stories the way Philip does….Thanks for all your support!” –Quaker Village Public School, DDSB, Uxbridge, ON
“Everyone loved your visit, and enjoyed your readings. Happy the Pocket Mouse was also a huge hit…Keep in touch!” –St. Edith Stein School, DPCDSB, Mississauga, ON
“Many of the students are excited to see your picture books when they come out. Maybe we can have you return next year and present to the younger grades?” –Waverley Public School, KPRDSB, Bowmanville, ON
“We really enjoyed having Philip visit our school today, and I wrote a recommendation on the Teacher-Librarian’s e-mail conference for our school board.”–W. Sherwood Fox Public School, TVDSB, London, ON
“I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say the visits today went very well. When talking with students afterwards, they thoroughly enjoyed Philip and his presentation. Please thank him again.” –Dr. G. J. MacGillivray Public School, KPRDSB, Courtice, ON
“Our students LOVED Philip’s presentation this morning! Thanks for helping to make this visit happen.” –Precious Blood Catholic School, LDCSB, Exeter, ON
“Philip’s presentations were really terrific and the students and teachers all thoroughly enjoyed them. We will definitely keep him on our list for further visits. You were terrific to work with. Thank you again for everything!” –Princess Margaret Jr. Public School, TDSB, Etobicoke, ON
“It was a pleasure having Philip here. The students are still talking about it, and are very eager to read all his books. I have been reading the Happy the Pocket Mouse series all last week and this week, as well as to primary classes at both (of my) schools.”—St. Joseph the Worker CES, YCDSB, Thornhill, ON & Blessed Scalabrini CES, YCDSB, Vaughan, ON
“I really enjoyed Philip’s visit and the staff and students are still buzzing about it. I wanted to share some pictures and also a couple of stories. In the picture where Philip is signing autographs, there’s a boy in a white shirt looking up at him. (The only one where you can clearly see his face.) He’s a budding author, having written and illustrated his first book. When I asked him how he liked listening to and meeting Philip, he was beside himself. He was inspired to continue his writing and to want to meet more authors to talk about their craft. The other story involves the Submarine Outlaw series. I’ve had the books on the shelves since I first met Philip four or five years ago. To be honest, they didn’t exactly fly off the shelves––until after his talk. Now there’s a huge gap where they used to be. Now that they can connect the books to the author, I think they will want more….Thanks so much for coming to talk to the students.” –St. Anthony’s Catholic French Immersion School, LDCSB, London, ON
“Thank you so very much for your presentation, Philip. We LOVED it! The feedback from students and teachers was positive and energizing. Kids loved the folk art and both pieces really added a lot of interest. We are also looking forward to purchasing the latest copy of the Submarine Outlaw series and the new adventures of Happy and John.” –Mill Street Public School, GECDSB, Leamington, ON
“Philip was fantastic! We loved having Mr. Roy at our school. The students and staff were engaged by his storytelling, and amazed with his re-purposed treasures. We look forward to seeing him, (and Happy the Pocket Mouse), back soon!” –Tecumseh Public School, HDSB, Burlington, ON
“All the students and staff were enthralled by Philip’s stories, his artistry, and ability to engage the imaginations and interests of our children. I will be sure to share the experience with my Teacher-Librarian colleagues with whom I meet often as well as other teachers in our system. It is my hope to continue enjoying Philip through his work, always, and perhaps once again in person in the future.” –St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre, DPCDSB, Mississauga, ON
“The presentation was great, and the kids were very excited to meet Philip! The teacher feedback was also very positive, so all in all it was a great day! Thanks again, to both you and Philip, for making this process go so smoothly, and for an excellent presentation!” –St. Matthew School, HCDSB, Oakville, ON
“Please thank Philip for his visit. Our students were completely engaged by his talk and his books! They are definitely a popular series! I am glad that Philip found the students prepared for the visit. I know they were very excited when we delved into Submarine Outlaw. It is such an amazing experience for them to actually meet the creator of the words! Thank you again for all of your time and support to help create a school of readers!” –Northern Lights PS, YRDSB, Aurora, ON
“I thank you and Philip for engaging our students with your love of writing/books, creativity and passion. I was blown away by the sculptural folk art pieces. We will appreciate hearing about upcoming books. On behalf of Blaydon staff and students, I say thank you. With all the best wishes!” –Blaydon PS, TDSB, Toronto, ON
“I just had Philip Roy give a presentation at our school. AWESOME!!!!! The kids loved the presentation! They loved his stories and his books! He brought in large models of homemade submarines and the kids thought it was so cool! He has a series called SOS, (the Submarine Outlaw series), that ties in travel around the world, adventure and history!!! Great for Junior boys. He also has 3 children’s books about a mouse, and wrote Me & Mr. Bell from the Forest of Reading program last year….I would highly recommend him!” –(Letter to fellow DCDSB Teacher Librarians), St. Joseph Catholic School, DCDSB, Uxbridge, ON
“Wanted to send a quick email to let you know that we had a great time today with Philip. The kids were engaged and I’m sure he inspired many of our young readers. We will definitely keep Philip in mind for our Junior/Intermediate grades! I will also be mentioning Philip at our next teacher-librarian Mississauga east family of schools meeting. Thanks again!” –St. Charles Garnier School, DPCDSB, Mississauga, ON
“We thoroughly enjoyed the ‘show’ today. The students were very enthusiastic, and asked many questions. Philip is a fantastic storyteller and kept the audience engaged throughout both sessions. I’m glad you are enjoying the artwork and letters.” –Dallington Public School, TDSB, Toronto, ON
“We all enjoyed the visit from Philip last week. The students and teachers were thanking me for having him come! He had everyone intrigued and his books are a phenomenal read!” -St. Patrick’s Catholic ES, YCDSB, Schomberg, ON
“Thanks again for coming to our school today! The kids LOVED the folk art, and the teachers did too! And they were so excited to listen to the stories! They were so happy!” -Brock PS, TDSB, Toronto, ON
“The students greatly enjoyed the visit and loved the stories. One little kindergarten boy was laughing the entire time Philip told his stories. Philip is a wonderful storyteller and really brought the characters and stories to life! Thank you again for being so detailed and communicating so clearly and promptly, as well.” –William Dunbar PS, DDSB, Pickering, ON
“What a wonderful visit! The students listened and laughed and asked many questions. Thank you for the pre-orders, the signed-by-Philip-today copies, and especially for my very own copies of [Philip’s books!]….Thank you also for all your help and excellent organization.” –Courtice North PS, KPRDSB, Courtice, ON
“[Our school] was very happy with Philip’s visit. The students were very well behaved and engaged, which is a testament to the strengths of the presenter. Philip was very dynamic and interesting, and filled the morning with inspirational dialogue. My main goal as Teacher-Librarian was to bring in someone who was going to encourage students to be passionate readers, and to explore their own creativity in writing or whatever their chosen medium. I’m happy to say that this goal was well achieved, and the students were quite excited to read more of Philip’s work. It was a very successful and inspiring morning. Thank you very much!” -Lougheed MS, Peel District School Board, Brampton, ON
“The students really enjoyed the presentations, and were very engaged….I will definitely recommend Philip to my colleagues, and hope that we can have Philip back again to visit with our younger students. I have been reading the adventures of Happy [the Pocket Mouse] to them, and they are fans! Thank you so much!” -St. Joachim ES, DPCDSB, Brampton, ON
“The visit went extremely well. The children were all engaged and everyone was very grateful. Can’t wait to get Philip in again in the future. Thanks to you both for an incredible job.” –Carleton Village Jr. & Sr. Sports and Wellness Academy, TDSB, Toronto, ON
“Philip was amazing! The students loved the presentation. They were extremely engaged and I heard a lot of them talking about how much they enjoyed the reading from the various books. We all loved it. Adults and students alike. Thanks again!”–Springvale Elementary School, HRCE, Halifax, NS
“Thanks so much for your visit yesterday! The students had a wonderful time, and I am sure they will always remember the visit!” –Chester District School, SSRSB, Chester, NS
“A big thank you for the great day on Thursday. The students and teachers have spoken to me about the amazing day they had. Thank you for all your efforts and another ‘Terrific Philip Roy Day’at Sacred Heart!” –Sacred Heart Elementary School, Halifax, NS
“I always know that a Philip Roy visit will be a successful visit. The kids REALLY enjoyed it; we talked about it today at Alderney….I read Mouse Tales today to a 1/2 class, NOT as fantastically as Philip can read it, but I tried. It was a hit. Again….while it’s written for younger kids, the older ones get a huge charge out of it, too.” –Alderney Elementary School, HRCE, Dartmouth, NS
“The presentation was great, and I have a big thank you from the school class as well. I also wanted to let you know that two boys who had attended came in that day after school to check out the Submarine Outlaw books. They both wanted Ghosts of the Pacific, of course, but since we only have one copy, they compromised, and one took out another one from the series. I am pleased that they both have returned to take out others in the series, as well. I am looking forward to the next one coming out this summer. Hopefully, we may have an opportunity to have you back at our library again.” –St. Croix Public Library, St. Stephen, NB
“Just wanted to send off this thank you email right away. Your presentation was wonderful–in so many ways. Can’t wait to get into the rest of your Outlaw books myself!…The students were hooked for the duration of your presentation and even the grade 2s managed to stay focused for the whole time. My principal just told me that he has seen a large number of authors present to schools and felt that yours was the best––most engaging and entertaining. I agree. You’re a wonderful storyteller, thanks again for coming to talk to our students!” –Mt. Edward Elementary School, HRCE, Dartmouth, NS
“[Philip] gave a fantastic reading and question and answer time. I was pleased that he was able to take the time to come by my library after the reading, and thrilled that I got his books, (and signed, at that!)” –Campobello Island Consolidated School and Campobello Public Library, ASD-S, Campobello, NB
“Everyone enjoyed the presentation, it was such a success! I have had many students inquire about the books and CDs ever since this morning….” –Tamarac Education Centre, SRSB, Port Hawkesbury, NS
“My colleagues and students couldn’t stop talking about Philip and his presentation; everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. The books are already in high demand by the students….Our assistant librarian prepared them for circulation this afternoon. Please keep in touch!” –Port Elgin Regional School, ASD-E, Port Elgin, NB
“When I went back to my classroom after the presentation, I bumped into both students and staff still buzzing with excitement….” –Chedabucto Education Centre/Guysborough Academy, SRSB, Guysborough, NS
“Students are still talking about this visit and have taken out all of Philip’s books from the library! I am so pleased….We hope to see you again in the future. I would love to have you again….maybe to share the success of your future films? ” –Sunny Brae Middle School, ASD-E, Moncton, NB
“Sincere thanks for your efforts to ensure our children received a first rate experience. We look forward to welcoming you back––to present to our early elementary grades….” –Springvale Elementary School, HRCE, Halifax, NS
See Philip with one of his folk-art submarines in this book trailer for Submarine Outlaw:
For more information about Philip’s books, (see covers below), please visit the “Books” page on this website:
Here are “thumbnail” summaries of all of Philip’s books to date:
Adventure Series––The Submarine Outlaw/Un rebelle en sous-marin Series:
The Submarine Outlaw series are tales of high adventure on the seas and waterways of the world, but also involve mythology, geography, ecology, invention and an embracing love of people, places, animals and things. The Submarine Outlaw series details the adventures of a young submariner, Alfred Pynsent, and his quirky crew of a dog and a seagull, as they circumnavigate the world. Although Al starts out as an explorer, he is becoming an active environmentalist in the course of his travels. The series includes the following 8 books: Submarine Outlaw, Journey to Atlantis, River Odyssey, Ghosts of the Pacific, Outlaw in India, Seas of South Africa, Eco Warrior and Stealth of the Ninja (Ronsdale Press). Philip’s ninth novel in the Submarine Outlaw series, Guardians of the Sea, is set on the west coast of Canada, and remains a work-in-progress. The first three English titles in the Submarine Outlaw series are available in French as Un rebelle en sous-marin, L’île perdue d’Atlantide, and Sous le Saint-Laurent, respectively.
The Happy the Pocket Mouse/Youpi, la souris dans ma poche series, (illustrated by Andrea Torrey Balsara and Lisa Ferguson, respectively), is comprised of 30 stories (and counting) in all. The series is about the exciting adventures of Happy/Youpi––a curious, insatiable, adventure-seeking mouse––and his best friend, John/Jean. The first five published books in the series include Mouse Tales/Les contes de Youpi, Jellybean Mouse/Youpi et ses bonbons, Mouse Pet/Un ami pour Youpi, Mouse Vacation/Youpi en vacances and Halloween Mouse.
Historical Fiction––Me & Mr. Bell and Blood Brothers in Louisbourg/Frères de sang à Louisbourg:
Me & Mr. Bell is about a ten-year-old boy struggling with dyslexia who befriends Alexander Graham Bell and Helen Keller in 1908. It is a story about overcoming life obstacles, and perseverance. Me & Mr. Bell was nominated for four major awards: the Canadian Library Association’s Book of the Year for Children, the Geoffrey Bilson Award for Historical Fiction for Young People, the Silver Birch Award in the Forest of Reading, and the Hackmatack Children’s Choice Award.
Blood Brothers in Louisbourg/Frères de sang à Louisbourg focuses on the story of two adolescent brothers, one of French origins, and the other of Mik’maw and French descent, as they face the siege of Louisbourg in 1745. Blood Brothers in Louisbourg was selected for the long list of First Nation Communities Read, and its French translation, Frères de sang à Louisbourg, was nominated for the Communication-Jeunesse list.
Social Commentary––The Kingdom of No Worries:
A Middle Reader, The Kingdom of No Worries, is about 3 boys from the GTA who strive to create their own democratic country in the middle of a river one hot summer. Kirkus Reviews has called the novel “a parable for our times.” This novel is also available as an audiobook, and can be requested via your local library, and/or accessed via Audible.ca, audiobooks.com, and elsewhere.
Read these two articles on Philip’s school presentations in Ontario and Nova Scotia. Here are the links: The Times-Advocate and The Reporter.
For more information about Philip’s writing workshop with CBC Radio and Cape Breton University Press, visit the following links: http://cbup.ca/blog/page-turner-project/ and http://www.cbc.ca/informationmorningcb/2013/10/16/me-and-mr-bell/.